Taking Care of Your New Landscaping

After the pavers have been placed and the last shrub has been planted, your new landscape is vibrant. Although your yard has been transformed in a matter of days, the months and years following are what really matters. Continue reading our blog for the top landscape maintenance tips.

Watering New Plants

Watering freshly planted trees, shrubs, and flowers is important to the longevity of your landscape. The first 1-2 weeks is the most critical for new plants as the roots still need to be established in the soil. Even if your plants are close to a water source, they are only able to absorb water near their small roots. Direct watering at a low pressure will allow the plant to uptake the maximum amount of water.

Watering needs for plants vary depending on the type of plant, size of plant, and weather conditions. It’s important to check the soil condition before watering to avoid flooding the roots. If you are questioning the hydration of your foliage, check the soil. If the soil is dry 4-7 inches deep, that’s a tell-tale sign your plants need to be watered.

Fertilizing Your Yard

Fertilizing your yard is an important step to take to ensure continuous growth. This step should be done in the spring or fall to encourage new foliage growth. Remember, fertilizing should NEVER be done in the summer, as the new growth will hinder the ground from hardening, making your plants susceptible to damage.

Foliage Upkeep

Pruning is not only suggested to keep your yard looking immaculate, but it also protects your plants from many forms of damage. Before you start pruning, make sure you know exactly how and where to trim. Always trim branches at the base or collar of the branch. Open stubs leave the plant vulnerable to disease in the future.


Hardscaping might seem like it can be installed and forgotten, but your pavers need some love too. Not only will moss, weeds, and cracks look unattractive, but they pose as a danger as well. You and your guests will be spending much more time outside during the warm summer months, which is why it’s important to keep it clear of debris and cracks. Take the time to weed around the pavers, scrape off any moss, and fill small cracks in the stone pavers. If you notice the cracks are becoming large and uneven, it may be time to call a professional to repair the stone or replace it.

If you have questions about landscape upkeep, contact the professionals at JK Landscape today. Our experienced team want to see your yard looking as great as the day your new landscaping was installed.

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